All HUGUET, Jaume Oil Paintings

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HUGUET, Jaume The Flagellation of Christ dg oil painting

The Flagellation of Christ dg
Painting ID::  7646
Artist: HUGUET, Jaume
Painting: The Flagellation of Christ dg
Introduction: 1450s Wood, 106 x 210 cm Mus??e du Louvre, Paris








HUGUET, Jaume Last Supper sg oil painting

Last Supper sg
Painting ID::  7647
Artist: HUGUET, Jaume
Painting: Last Supper sg
Introduction: c. 1470 Wood, 172 x 164 cm Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, Barcelona








HUGUET, Jaume Triptych of Saint George (detail) sg oil painting

Triptych of Saint George (detail) sg
Painting ID::  7648
Artist: HUGUET, Jaume
Painting: Triptych of Saint George (detail) sg
Introduction: 1459-60 Panel Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, Barcelona








HUGUET, Jaume Triptych of Saint George (detail) af oil painting

Triptych of Saint George (detail) af
Painting ID::  7649
Artist: HUGUET, Jaume
Painting: Triptych of Saint George (detail) af
Introduction: 1459-60 Panel Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, Barcelona








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     Check All HUGUET, Jaume's Paintings Here!
     Spanish Early Renaissance Painter, ca.1415-1492 Spanish painter. He is thought to have spent time in Saragossa in his youth (c. 1435-45), and he subsequently worked in Tarragona before establishing himself in Barcelona in 1448. He must, however, have had contact with painting from Barcelona before he moved there, because the centre panel of an early retable dedicated to the Virgin (Barcelona, Mus. A. Catalunya) from Vallmoll, near Tarragona, shows his awareness of the style of Bernat Martorell in the profiles of the two foreground angels, and of Llu?s Dalmau's Virgin of the Councillors (Barcelona, Mus. A. Catalunya) in the illusionistic painting of the Virgin's jewel-trimmed garments. In other early works, such as the Annunciation and Crucifixion from a small retable (Vic, Mus. Episc.), . Related Artists to HUGUET, Jaume : | Ary Scheffer | Pedro Berruguete | Charles Gifford Dyer | Christoph jacobsz.van der Lamen | George Shalders |




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